Prescott Placement

       Specialists, Inc.

Prescott Placement Specialists, Inc. has over 20 years experience matching the right person with the right job.  If you are an experience Senior Analog IC Layout Designer with proven skills and are interested in finding a contract or direct positions, Prescott Placement Specialists, Inc.  is here for you.  Unlike other contract agencies, Prescott Placement Specialists, Inc. will never use your resume for marketing purposes and we will never send out your resume without checking with you first - to be certain the job is right for you! 


If you'd like to know more about the exciting opportunities available to you, please email us at:  We have tremendous opportunities waiting for you!  

-Per Diem 

-Bi-Weekly Pay days
-Direct Deposit
-Recruitment Bonuses

How to Apply:

Email your resume to:

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